Tax Operations Manager
Lenora Harris

Payroll Manager
Troynetta Jefferson

Troynetta Jefferson is an experienced Payroll Manager who has been employeed with WC Mitchell Tax & Financial Services for over 20 years. She specializes in payroll, business, and personal taxes. She enjoys spending time with family and friends.
Lenora Harris has worked over 16 years for WC Mitchell Tax & Financial Services. She is happily married to her husband of 29 years and is the proud mother of 3 children. She enjoys working and making a difference in the lives of people through service.
Office/Tax Assistant
Erica Harris

Marketing Director
& Church Relations Consultant
Terrica Waits- White

Erica Harris has served 1 year with WC Mitchell Tax & Fianancial Services as the Office Assistant. She is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas and comes from a family of 3 sisters and 2 brothers. She is known for her caring and sweet personality. In her spare time she enjoys making custom jewelry.
Terrica White has recently joined the WC Mitchell Tax & Fianancial Services team and serves as the Marketing Director and Church Relations Consultant offering printting services, e-mail marketing, graphics, 501(c)3 and more to your businesses and ministries.