Vice President
Ron Scott has been a part of WC Mitchell Tax & Financial Services for 13 years. For over 16 years he has worked within the IT field providing effective management skills, innovative networking, proven configurations and precise documentation to business operations.
In his career he has served in various roles such as Operations Support Manager, Senior Network & Systems Engineer, Central Region Trainer, and Network Systems Analysis.
He is currently a member of the Gannetthead and Twenty Century Knights Association.
CEO/ President
W.C. Mitchell has over 20 years of accounting experience. He is a Tax Practitioner, ERO, RTRP, and a CPA. He is a graduate of Park College in Parksville, Missouri with a Baccalaureate of Science Degree in Human Resource Management. Presently he serves as a Certified Instructor for the Union District & Arkansas CMB State Congress of Chrisitian Education. He is also an Auditor for the Arkansas CMB State Convention. He is a businessman who is highly known all over Central Arkansas for his financial expertise and moral integrity. Mr. Mitchell also serves on the Board of Directors as Economic Development Director for the North Little Rock NAACP.
In 2004 his busines was awarded 'Franchise of the
Year" from the Tax Centers of America. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife and family and serving as Discpleship Pastor within his local church in North Little Rock, AR.